Japan Blogging!
Ken Nomura is retiring! The Legend Nomuken

If any of you have followed in the drifting world , the name Nomuken or Monkey Magic is synonymous to a legend in the sport. He has been competing for quite some time now, over 18 years. He first started out in D1GP back in 2000, and after signing with Blitz (parts manufacturer) he quickly developed the skills to compete. He quckly became a fan favorite for his on track and off track antics, with his tire smoking and monkey impersonations. His company URAS is actually a play on the name monkey backwards in Japanese ( saru). He drifted the...
Welcome to our first blog post!

Drum roll please..... Our first blog post YAY!! We hope to add in future posts about Japan and lots of general information you might be interested in. Any ideas or something you might want to see later let us know and if we can do it then we will be doing a blog post on it. Any new products or just a bit about life in Japan, subscribe and keep up to date! See you soon またね!!